Thursday, November 19, 2009

Call Center Offshore Outsourcing Locations

Call Center Offshore Outsourcing LocationsTechnology has broken down the distance barrier that helps globalization of jobs - a prime example of which is the Call Center Offshore Outsourcing.

Companies in developed countries like the United States are outsourcing their call center needs to various offshore locations around the world. Customer service and business process outsourcing are the common business responsibilities handles by these call centers.

Here are some of the top call center offshore outsourcing locations.

India, the world's most populous democracy in the world, continues to lord it over in this field because of its English-speaking citizens and, moreso, because of its world-recognized proficiency and competency in Information Technology. Its call center industry has helped India become one of the fastest growing economies in the world today.

Not to be left behind is China. With its emerging economic strength, largest population in the world and lower salaries, China is becoming an attractive offshore location for call center. Their English-speaking capabilities, though, is not yet the same as that of India.

In Southeast Asia, Vietnam and the Philippines have also made it presence felt in the call center industry. The Philippines' main advantage is its citizens neutral English accent.

In South America, countries such as Brazil and Argentina cater to call centers that serve the large Spanish speaking customers and consumers of the United States. Companies wishing to capture the Latin American markets tap the call centers in this continent.

Doing business nowadays have no boundaries. A credit complaint from the US can easily be resolved in any of call center outsourcing locations offshore in any given time.


Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Knowledge Process Outsourcing

Knowledge Process Outsourcing is deemed as the next growth sector of the global outsourcing industry. But what is Knowledge Process Outsourcing?

Wikipedia says that

Knowledge process outsourcing is a form of outsourcing, in which knowledge-related and information-related work is carried out by workers in a different company or by a subsidiary of the same organization, which may be in the same country or in an offshore location to save cost.

KPO is another form of outsourcing but tackles more complex responsibilities. Examples of KPO are market research, legal research and patent research services. Because of the complexity of the responsibilities KPO companies get the best professionals for the job which is never cheap.

Because KPO is very much in its infancy, it is not as clear yet as the outsourcing that is common nowadays like call center outsourcing.

But if it's going to be the next big thing, it sure helps to know more about knowledge process outsourcing even now.


Thursday, November 12, 2009

Outsourcing in China on the Rise reported that Outsourcing is back on the rise in China after a brief slowdown. Foreign service contracts garnered by China on the first nine months of 2009 tripled compared to the same period last year.

Still, India, continuous to be the top destination for outsourcing because of its citizen's proficiency in the English language and IT skills.

However, with the salaries in India also on the rise, it might drive potential outsourcing contracts to China. Aside from China, Southeast Asian countries like the PHilippines are also vying for outsourcing contracts.


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